Sustainability: lived!

To enact meaningful change, we must act with vitality, intelligence, and unity. Let's work together towards responsible solutions that ensure a better tomorrow for all of us.

Lively - Intelligent - Effective

Our planet: Our responsibility

For us, sustainability starts where we can make an impact.

Recyclable materials, low-consumption local production, responsible supplier management.

Our processes, our products and all our actions are geared towards the conscious and careful use of resources and our social environments.

We rely on a sustainable infrastructure at our sites - with 2,250 photovoltaic modules, 60 geothermal probes, electromobility in the vehicle fleet, regional products in the staff restaurant, performance-optimized and energy-efficient production technologies and state-of-the-art office space.

We like to work with local suppliers and service partners, pay particular attention to resource efficiency when developing our new products, choose environmentally friendly technologies and materials and ensure transparent supply chains.

We stand for low-emission automation - with intelligent energy management solutions for our AGV and forklift fleets (patented lithium-ion power pack, fast charging and standby functions); with energy recovery, IT-supported journey optimization, adaptive dynamics and minimization of emission sound pressure in rack handling and conveyor systems. This enables us to minimize energy losses in our systems - and help our customers reduce their Co² footprint in the warehouse by up to 20 percent.

For us as a family business, sustainable action also means social commitment and participation, both regionally, nationally and internationally. Raising the awareness of our employees through training and further education plays a key role in this.

Damaris Grütter, Group CMO / Vice President / VP and Managing Director Stoecklin Logistics Inc.

Our solutions are designed for a long service life. Robust design, high quality, modular construction and a value-preserving long-life service ensure that they can continue to be used and expanded reliably even after many years. This creates the conditions for intelligent modernization that largely preserves existing systems - or for reusing modules in new contexts. This is also where we see our battery services, with which we can significantly extend the service life of these units using optimized means.

With scalable solutions in existing buildings, we are helping to reduce space consumption in intralogistics. This is also where our expertise in fully automated high-bay warehouses (up to 45 m high) comes into play.

In addition to the value contribution, we also pay attention to the environmental and social impact of our business activities, which we document in our sustainability report (CSR report from 2025) and strive to minimize in projects for our clients.

Finally, sustainable action encompasses the ongoing effort to raise awareness, provide training, and foster professional development among our employees. Their dedication plays a crucial role in achieving Stöcklin's sustainability objectives effectively.

With our social commitment and the responsibility of our company on a regional, national and international level, we show that Stoecklin is already thinking about the generations of tomorrow.

Our use of resources

Total energy consumption reduced by 60 percent

40 percent self-produced energy

231,142 kilowatt hours redelivered

Performance-oriented and energy-efficient technologies

Appreciative partnerships

We are here for you and look forward to hearing from you

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